Green Education Certification
for Educators

Green Education Certification is a mark of excellence that validates educators’ commitment to sustainability by equipping them with knowledge and skills to foster a greener learning environment, and advance Green Education in their institutions.

Green Education Certification Roadmap


Green Education Training Programme

A diversity of training sessions, case studies, and resources on how to implement the Holistic Green Education Framework across leadership governance, curriculum, research, innovation, facilities, human capital, and community partnerships to transfer their educational institutions to green institutions


Green Education Auditing

Put your knowledge into action, implement the Holistic Green Education Auditing to assess your institution’s current commitment to sustainability, and identify areas that require further improvement, paving the way for the Green Education Transformation (Education 6.0).


Green Education Plan

Utilize the invaluable auditing insights and results to craft a customized Green Education Action Plan, with tangible, structured steps and attainable goals. Engage leadership and stakeholders to commence your institution’s journey towards the Green Education Transformation (Education 6.0).

Green Education Certification Roadmap Duration

Full commitment to the certification roadmap requires 3 hours/week for 4 weeks.


Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded the Green Education Certification for Educators, a recognition of their commitment to fostering Education for Sustainable Development and the Green Education Transformation (Education 6.0).

Certification Registration Fees: $600

Register Now for Green Education Certification for Educators

For assistance with payment-related issues or any inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]